I don't know what it is about GHD but they almost work too good. Just ensure to look after your hair by using some shampoos and hair care products which nourish the roots. They are by far the best hair straighteners in town and do such an incredible job. Hair straighteners by GHD are not only fantastic at making your hair bouncy and curly, you can also have silky soft straight hair according to what I feel like doing with my hair at the time or where I might be going. Regardless of what style I am after, GHD lets me do it easily and effectively.
Lipstick / Lip Gloss
Where would any girl be if they didn't have their lipstick / lip gloss with them. Personally, I use lip gloss which gives my lips that extra shimmer and shine and I have been getting really good complements about it. The fuller your lips look, the more attention you will generate. Lips to me are very sensual and so deserve to be looked after and shown off.
Eye Liner
Eye liners are fantastic for getting attention to your eyes. They say you're eyes are the windows to your soul so make the most of them by highlighting them with an eye liner than goes well with your skin tones and mascara.
Jimmy Choo Shoes
What can I say about Jimmy Choo that hasn't been said already? Girls just buy a pair and thank me later, they look gorgeous and ever girl should have a pair in their wardrobe.
Have you ever been in a club or walking down the road and just see some really cool chick getting all the attention? Yep, I bet she had shades on. Sunglasses just bring that element of coolness to a person whether it is sunny, light or dark, it doesn't matter, they just look good. Apparently the latest craze is following Drew Barrymore with white shades but stick to something you feel best wearing.
Everyone should make an effort to smell the best they can. It not only makes you feel great about yourself but also shows to other people that you take pride in yourself and represent yourself in the best light. Experiment with different perfumes until you find something you feel really suits your natural smell. Get friends opinions too so you get a different viewpoint which is a really good idea. Also, let me just quickly mention how important it is to make sure you have the right deodorant to keep yourself fresh and light. Maybe consider wearing a light body fragrance if perspiration is something you suffer from badly.
If you have an uneven skin complexion or a few bumps or marks you want to cover up, makeup can be a girl's best friend. It is still very important to keep looking after your skin by keeping it soft using moisturizers and toners and if you find yourself out in the sun for long periods of time, consider using sunscreen to protect yourself from getting burned.
Monday, March 10, 2008
2008 Top Hair and Beauty Accessories
Lose Weight With Simple Effective Steps
One of the greatest challenges facing us here in the US continues to be obesity and general health issues that are associated with being overweight, which it seems more and more of our population is these days. Recent studies confirm that one of the reasons the American culture has such serious struggles with obesity and weight control is our inability to figure out when to stop eating. In fact, when Americans were contrasted with another culture that is often touted for having one of the lowest obesity rates as well as less health issues associated with being overweight, the French, it was found that the French respond to different cues that tell them when to stop eating than Americans do.
Americans cited outside factors many times to determine when they were finished eating, whereas the French who were questioned cited internal cues, from their bodies, to determine when to stop eating. Americans cited things like when their television show was over, or when their plate was empty, or everyone else was done eating, while the French commonly cited their cue as their level of satiety, whether they were full or not, and also whether they felt they needed to continue eating. It is clear that listening to internal rather than external cues dramatically increases the likelihood that one will stop eating when their body has signaled it has had adequate "fuel" for the time being.
As you can see, those who felt more influenced by their external environments were more likely to keep chomping away, even if their bodies felt totally satisfied. It may also be that the different groups pace their eating differently. I, as an American, notice quite a few people who seem to eat very quickly, and this can really sabotage anyone's attempts at weight control or weight loss. Why? Well, because if you are eating at a pace faster than your body can signal the brain that it is full, you've passed your window of opportunity to stop eating while you're actually satiated, and you will continue to eat past that point. Yep, that's the all too common occurrence we get where you feel like you're busting at the seams from overeating. You've most likely either taken too little time to eat and not given your brain enough time to catch up, or you've ignored your "full" cues and kept on going.
Tips for Eating Right as You Age
As you begin to get older, it is going to become more and more important that you eat right, since you need fewer calories as you age. The choices you make in nutrition are going to be so important, since you have few calories to work with when making the right decisions. Making the wrong choices when it comes to aging and nutrition can lead to weight gain and even more health risks, so it's time that you learn to eat right. Whether you need to lose a few pounds, you want to eat to feel better, or you just want to stay in good shape, it is imperative that you eat the right foods and get as many nutritious foods as you can each day. So, the following are a few tips for eating right as you age that will help you make sure you get the proper nutrition.
Tip #1 - Get Plenty of Protein - If you are going to eat right and get the proper nutrition, you need to make sure that you get plenty of protein in your diet. There are plenty of foods out there that are rich in protein, and eating the right foods are better than trying to take protein supplements. While you don't want too much protein, about two 3 oz servings of meat each day is about enough to suffice. A few great foods that are great sources of protein include chicken, beef, eggs, fish, cheese, pork, and milk.
Tip #2 - Watch the Fat Intake - When it comes to aging and nutrition, it is also important that you watch the fat intake you get each day as well. While you do need some fat in your food to stay healthy, you'll want to avoid too much fat; in fact, only about 20-30# of your calories each day should be calories from fat. On the other hand, diets that are extremely low on fat can be bad for your body, since they won't give you the nutrition that you need.
VigRX Plus can help Male Enhancment
The new late breakthrough in the revolutionary formula of VigRX is the result of its extraordinary combination with Bioperine, thus creating the all new and improved Bioperine and VigRX Plus formula. This formulation can offer improved efficiency in penis enlargement. VigRX plus works a whole lot better then all of its competitors; especially since it has added Bioperine to its formulas. Some of the other mens sexual pills have also added bioperine but they still dont come close to the positive results and satisfaction you will have when you use VigRX Plus.
The facts about Bioperine and VigRX Plus.
What is this Bioperine stuff I keep hearing about and where did it come from? The answer to these question are easy: Bioperine is a revolutionary product added to the VigRX base formula to create Bioperine and VigRX Plus to help offer improved results. Bioperine was proven in independent studies to help increase the absorption rates of nutrients that are mixed with it.
Bioperine, when added with Tribulus and Damiana, offers independently proven results compared to many competitors' products. Users of Bioperine and VigRX Plus have shown dramatically improved results. The formulation of Bioperine and VigRX+ include potent aphrodisiac herbal concentrates from across the world with ingredients found in the Eastern Orient and South America in a unique formulation that are individually used by inhabitants of these continents for thousands of years to increase their urge for sex.
Milk Allergies In Infants And Children
Milk is very important part of the diet of infants and children. Milk provides both calcium and vitamin D which are essential for the growth and development of children. It is well understood that if infants and children do not have enough milk they will have serious health problems. From the time a person is born they begin to consume either mother's milk or other forms of milk. Mother's milk and formula both are made to provide all the essential nutrients an infant needs to grow and develop normally. Sometimes it becomes evident very early in the life of an infant that they have a problem with the milk they are receiving and may even be allergic to milk. This condition will need quick intervention to make sure the baby is not adversely affected.
Interventions For Milk Allergies In Infants
The best thing a baby can be fed is their mother's milk. Most of the time when they are nursed by there mother they will have less allergies. Some of the times what the mother is eating causes problems for the baby. If a baby seems to be allergic to their mother's milk the mother should first change her diet. She should avoid gas producing foods and foods which may be irritating to the infant. If this does not relieve the symptoms in the baby the mother should speak with the pediatrician and consider switching to formula.
There are two primary formulas for infants. There is cow milk based and soy based formula. Many infants who are allergic to cow's milk will do great on soy milk. Both these types of formulas have the necessary ingredients to promote good health in the infant. If these types of milk do not work for the infant, a physician will need to prescribe a formula that will be able to nourish the infant that has the milk allergy. Most infants will grow out of the milk allergy in time and will be able to eat a normal diet.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Best Exercises The Push Up
The push up remains one of the most important yet underrated body weight exercises in the exercise handbook. The reason that push ups, along with many other body weight exercises, are underrated is because of the competition from so many free weight systems. These systems have created the inaccurate impression that push ups are ineffective. Well, nothing could be further from the truth as the push up remains one of the absolute most important exercises one could perform.
Muscles Worked
Push ups generally work the chest area and aid in building muscle mass as well as muscular endurance in the pectoral area. But, this particular exercise in not just a chest exercise as it does not strictly isolate the chest. There is a great deal of secondary benefit provided to the triceps, shoulders, biceps, and forearms as well. So, it can be said that the common push up is the grandfather of all upper body exercises.
How to do them
Basically, the way a push up is performed is by lying chest to floor and placing your palms on the floor with the elbows in close to the body. Then, push upwards with the arms while exhaling. During the downward lowering to the floor it becomes important to inhale. If you do not inhale/exhale properly then you run the risk of tiring out during your exercise which could lead to your cutting the exercise short. Needless to say, this would deny your acquisition of the benefits that push ups are designed to deliver.
Exercise Why You Should Bother
Exercise is the number one recommendation of doctors, nutritionists, and even novelists. The question is why? There are many reasons why exercise is important and you should take the time to fit it into your daily schedule, here are some of the benefits:
Exercise and Life Time
Exercise increases your life time and decreases your risk of dying prematurely. How can exercise do such a thing? It can do so simply by keeping you away from chronic diseases, cancers, strokes, and many more. Those who exercise more often will also notice a decrease in their biological age, ever seen someone who looks 30 only to realize he's 50? Exercising is the key to anti-aging.
Weight Control
Exercise helps us burn calories and shed fat. It helps release endorphins in our blood that result in a good feeling and therefore eliminate stress and depression, consequently, you can maintain or lose your weight faster. Not to mention it eliminates the toxic cholesterol from your blood and rejuvenates the blood circulation giving you a sense of concentration and achievement.
Many Solid Ways To Fit And Healthy
Aristotle helped define the standards of fitness 2,500 years ago when he said that a thing that suits its purpose is fit. The cardiovascular system, lungs, skeleton, muscles, endocrine system, and all the other components of our bodies function for our purpose, which is to live well.
Exercising helps us to be fit in many ways, each of which involves one or more of those systems.
The heart has to work harder than at rest when one performs increased physical activity. This increases the blood flow, fills tissues with fresh oxygen, and removes cellular waste products.
The lungs have to draw in extra oxygen to fill the tissues and help power the heart. The person also has to exhale at a faster rate. Exhalation removes carbon dioxide, a waste product of certain biochemical reactions, further improving the body's respiratory system.
Moderate exercise on a regular basis will raise HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol (also known as the "good" cholesterol.) HDL helps to regulate blood sugar levels and convert stored fat into sugars that provide energy. This process helps to prevent obesity, since that fat is being turned into a source of energy for the body to function.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Weight Loss Tips Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days
I feel for you! You long for fast weight loss, but you don't want to negatively effect your health.
You are caught in a catch 22 and you're certainly not alone?
It seems these days that the only way to experience fast weight loss is by taking diet pills or medications. At least, that is what the weight loss industry has led you to believe. In an effort to make their sales soar they have created the notion that diet pills and other fads are essential if you want to experience fast results. Come to think about it it's a lot like the health industry in this country... the pharmaceutical companies have everyone believing that they need medication to maintain their health... heck, even the doctors have bought into it!
So how is a person to experience the joy of watching those pounds melt away at lightning speed without sacrificing their health on the latest fads? The answer lies in two "sure-fire " principles that have proven to work wonders for those who are willing to put forth a little effort. And you certainly won't hear me preaching "change your diet".... At least not here and not now. In fact, you don't even have to change much of anything with your current way of living to experience an explosive slim-down if you are willing to take action.
Weight Loss Key To Losing Extra Weight
Many people put on the extra weight because they eat more calories than they burn off in a given day. But the secret to weight lose would always be to start burning more calories than you eat – the faster you burn off the calories, the faster you lose those extra pounds.
The naturally small woman is the envy of every other woman, but many of us do not even understand why. While all of us regular Joes have to watch what we eat and exercise in order to maintain our sizes or to lose some of our current weight, the naturally small woman can sit at home all day long doing nothing at all and still keep small or petite. This is simply because she is one of those women with a higher metabolism rate than normal, and just by doing nothing at all she can naturally burn off as much calories as the woman who toils at her job for the entire day and then goes home to seek after the needs of her family.
The average woman on the other hand would have to work twice as hard as the woman with the higher metabolism to burn the same amount of calories. This means that in order to lose the same amount of weight, one woman would have to work twice as hard as the other woman. Likewise, the woman on the other end of the metabolism extreme would have the slowest metabolism of all, and would have to work the hardest out of all to lose some weight. The woman with the slowest metabolism is therefore the one who is likely to gain the most weight the fastest.
Recognizing the First Signs of Diabetes
There are an estimated 17 million people who suffer from diabetes in the United States today. This is an estimate because it is believed that almost 5.9 million of those people have not been diagnosed as diabetic by a doctor. Part of the reason for this is the fact that many times the first signs of diabetes are not that severe.
In fact many of those people who do go to the doctor because of the cause of their unknown symptoms are quite surprised when they are diagnosed with diabetes. That's because during the early stages of this disease the symptoms are minor and are just kind of annoying. Many people who do get diagnosed are heard to remark "I don't feel sick". Many people who are diagnosed as diabetic are done so after visiting their doctor because they think they are suffering from some other malady. Many of the early warning signs do mimic other diseases and conditions so it's easy to see why this occurs.
Unfortunately dismissing these signs and symptoms can lead to a multitude of life threatening complications that include cardiovascular and heart problems, blindness, nerve damage, and many others. The sooner the diabetic is diagnosed the sooner they can begin to manage this disease and mitigate the complications it causes. At the present diabetes is sixth on the list of diseases that result in death.
Diabetes Food List for Healthy Eating
Diabetes food list? Since blood sugar levels and food are closely linked, it is good to know what to eat in order not to be vulnerable to diabetes. It will be easier to control the glucose level if knowledge on what one eats is there to guide the choices that are made.
The basic key to good health is a good diet for everyone. As a matter of fact, eating the healthy diabetes food list is not only for the diabetics but for everyone as well. If everyone ate the way the diabetics should eat, the vulnerability to the disease will be less. Healthy eating is a matter of the wise choice of a variety of food with a well balanced quantity of proteins, carbohydrates and fat. It does not mean one can only eat special foods or follow a complicated meal plan. It just means to eat a variety of food in moderate quantity at regular mealtime.
The diet should highlight whole grains, fruits and vegetables accompanied by smaller portion of lean meat and low-fat dairy products. This is the kind of meal everyone should eat not only because this type of diabetes food list is nutritious but also it is low in both calories and fat. The diet has to fit the needs of the individual. It depends on whether one has to lose weight or on one's blood sugar level. In addition, the person's personal health problems will have to be considered. The specifics therefore may be different but the fundamentals are the same, that is, eat a variety of the right balance of three nutrients: protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
Diabetes Relief Alkaline Water Help
As you no doubt know if you suffer from Diabetes, there are two main categories of Diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes, also called Insulin-Dependent Diabetes usually occurs in young people and is the second most common chronic disease in children (after asthma). In this condition the pancreas produces a minimal amount of insulin and daily injections are needed to make up the deficit.
Type 2 diabetes, also called Adult-Onset Diabetes, has historically occurred almost exclusively in adults and is generally triggered by dietary habits which continuously spike the blood sugar and finally exhaust the pancreas.
But here is the shocking reality of the recent outcome of our children's lifestyle and dietary habits: Children of ages of 15 to 19 years are now the fastest growing group to contract this disease.
Type 2 diabetes now accounts for ninety percent of all diabetes cases and is the fastest-growing disease in North America... but it doesn't need to be like this!
But here's another shocking reality. Type 2 is not only preventable it has been shown to be completely reversible in many, many cases using completely natural means without drugs. That's right... alkaline ionized water, the right diet, exercise and a healthy balanced lifestyle can generate remarkable reversals in this condition in a very short time.
Many scientists are now of the opinion that not only is Type II Diabetes controllable but is reversible without drugs. Inadequate hydration and an acid pH balance in the body, coupled with free radical damage, are now considered major culprits in the growth of diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus Home Remedy
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body from utilizing glucose partially or completely. Officially it is characterized by raised glucose concentration from within the blood. Let's go over some home remedies for treating Diabetes Mellitus:
Diabetes Mellitus treatment can be achieved by using Grapefruit. Grapefruit is known to be one of the best foods a diabetic patient can eat. If you have sugar, use three grapefruits, three times a day. If you do not have sugar, but you have a tendency toward it then eat three grapefruits a day. Diabetes Mellitus treatment can be achieved by using Mango Leaves. The leaves of the mango tree are considered to be very useful in treating diabetes. Take 15gm of fresh mango leaves and place it in 250ml water to sit over night. Take the filtrate every morning in order to control early diabetes.
Diabetes Mellitus treatment can be achieved by using Parslane. The seeds of parslane have shown to be useful in diabetes treatment. Take a teaspoon of the seeds every day with a cup of water for three to four months. This will help to increase the body's own capacity to make insulin. Diabetes Mellitus treatment can be achieved by using Bitter Gourd. This home remedy has shown to be the most important in controlling diabetes. The reason why is bitter gourd has shown to contain a hypoglycaemic or insulin-like principle, which has been found to be very beneficial in lower blood and urine sugar levels.
Diabetic Recipes Natural Sugar
The best diabetic recipes use ingredients which have low sugar, low cholesterol and saturated fat content but are high in fibre and therefore contain fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. An understanding of the wide range of low glycemic foods available is very important in maintaining a healthy diet
If you have diabetes, eating the correct low glycemic foods is very important in maintaining a healthy diet. If you have only recently been diagnosed with diabetes symptoms, this normally involves a major change in your eating regime and a greater understanding of the type of low glycemic foods that should be on your supermarket shopping list. Diabetic recipes are available from a wide range of sources including high street supermarkets, health food shops and online. You should also seek advice from your local doctor or nutritionist on the best method of incorporating these diabetic recipes into your daily eating plan to ensure that you maintain the correct blood sugar levels and body weight. Sugar is present, in varying degrees, in almost all food that we eat
Whilst sugar is naturally present, in varying degrees, in most foods that we eat, it is obviously much higher in cakes, pastries, desserts and high energy drinks. For people with diabetes symptoms, sweet foods and drinks containing high levels of sugar are normally 'no go' areas or at the very least should be consumed with extreme caution. A severe reduction in the amount of sweet foods that can be consumed, represents the biggest challenge, especially for those with a 'sweet tooth'. This normally results in a major trawl of supermarkets searching for ready made, low glycemic foods, diabetic pastries and chocolate. The use of artificial sweeteners in drinks and diabetic recipes, in order to satisfy the craving for those yummy, scrumptious cakes and desserts are also high on the list of priorities for most people with diabetes symptoms.