Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Do I Lower High Blood Sugar

High blood sugar is extremely dangerous, no ifs or buts. When your body reaches the point where through one reason or another, the glucose levels are unable to be brought down by the body's means, then the situation can spiral out of control fairly quickly. Hyperglycemia is a term commonly used in medical circles. Usually, with a healthy individual with a fully functioning blood sugar control system this is not a problem but through a combination of the wrong lifestyle choices and/or genetic disposition things can get out of control.

It is important to recognize the signs before things go to far.

* Lack of energy at any time of day
* Poor healing from cuts and scrapes, especially on the feel
* Constant craving for high sugar foods
* Constant thirst
* Constant need to visit the toilet
* Feeling blurry or spaced out

Keep close guard over all these classic signs and symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Chances are, if things get this advanced you will already have some suspicion that something is not how it should be. When things have reached this stage, there are several things you can do to help alleviate the problems quickly but you should certainly notify your local GP or doctor as well. Very high blood sugar levels should not be brushed aside as something you will get over with a weekend off.

A few points of practicality.

Immediately stop the ingestion of any form of carbohydrate and sugar. This is a given, by this you are stopping adding fuel to the fire.

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